Corporate Finance

Partial Exits and Share Restructuring
Partial exits enable the owners of a business to realise part of their wealth in cash, whilst continuing to participate in future growth of the business through a retained shareholding. Often these transactions also involve raising new capital in order to fund expansion, or, acquisitions. This capital can be either debt or private equity, or a combination of both.
In these projects, our role includes:
Review of the current operating performance of the business and future opportunities available
Definition of the exit strategy in terms of the proportions to exit / retain
Identification of the most appropriate providers of finance
Preparation of an Investment Memorandum (Business Plan)
Approach to potential funders using our many and varied contacts
Negotiation of funding terms
Co-ordination of all other professional advisors
Project management of the entire process so as to maintain momentum, minimise transaction risk and so ensure timely completion of the transaction
Case Study – Fund Raising and Partial Exit
Our client had been formed about 5 years previously with "seed capital" provided by the Executive Chairman and a number of ' high net worth' individuals who played no active part in the management of the business. As the business concept was proven to be commercially viable a full management team had been recruited.
The business now faced a cross roads. It required £3 million to fund its planned expansion over the next 5 years and a further £1.5million to buy out the non-active founder shareholders and create new equity for the management team.
Our work comprised the following steps:
* analysis of the business to determine the feasibility of the fund raising
* preparation of a business plan to present to potential private equity investors such as the Business Growth Fund, NVM and others
* detailed analysis to support/negotiate the value of the company pre "new money"
* approach to " high net worth " investors to agree the buy out terms
* negotiation with five private equity firms to obtain the best terms for the new investment
* selection of a preferred investor
* management of due diligence process over a timely period (eight weeks)
* negotiation of commercial terms
* overseeing the due diligence process
* completion of the final investment